General Guidelines
- Abstract submission is open to all registered delegates
- Abstract submission closes on 30th June 2023
- Abstracts can be submitted under 2 categories - Free Paper and e-Poster
- You may submit more than one abstract in each category. But maximum of only one free paper would be accepted per delegate for oral presentation, other submissions from same delegate will be converted to e-Poster if found suitable
- The Scientific Planning Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts based on the following criteria: novelty of the research, significance of the findings, and clarity. Authors should be particularly cognizant of the importance of setting forth the objectives and hypothesis of the study in a clear, succinct manner, and of summarizing their results
- The Conference Chair serves as the head of the scientific committee and will take the final decision on abstracts
- Acceptance or rejection of paper will be conveyed by email two weeks after the last date of submission
- If a revision is required, the revised abstract must be sent back within a week
Free Paper
We welcome submissions related to one of our conference sub-themes, and we would appreciate if you could clearly specify the sub-theme in which you would like your abstract to be considered.
- Psoriasis
- Onco-dermatology
- Vasculitis
- Atopic dermatitis
- Immuno-bullous diseases
- Critically ill patients in dermatology
- Sexually transmitted infections
- Leg ulcers & vasculitis
- Infectious diseases
- Leprosy
- Miscellaneous /others
- Please make sure that your abstract is properly structured and checked for spelling and grammar. Following all the instructions will improve the quality of your submission and can influence the scores
- Word limit of the abstract is 250 words. (Excluding title, Keywords and conflict of interest declaration)
- Abstract should be submitted in PDF format.
- The abstract font should be Times New Roman, size 12 point. The text line spacing should be ‘1.5 lines spaced'
- Abstract for original study should include purpose of study, methodology, summary of findings/results, conclusion and significance / contributions of study and limitations if any
- Structure of the abstract for case reports and case series should be: Introduction, Objectives, Case history , Discussion, Conclusion.
- Title should be written using 'Sentence case' and should be brief and self- explanatory
- Avoid abbreviations in the title
- Refrain from using graphs, figures, tables or references in the abstract
- Model template for e poster is available on the website:
- Limit the use of abbreviations and acronyms in the abstract
- To ensure blinded review, no identifying features such as names of authors, collaborators,hospitals, medical colleges, clinics or places should be listed in the title or text page of the abstract.
- Conflict of interest statement and declaration of conflict is mandatory
- Submitted abstracts should include non-published data
- Delegates submitting for e poster has to prepare the e poster according to the template provided and not as an abstract.
- Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted
- Use generic names of drugs or its active pharmacological content, avoiding commercial names of drugs/companies
- Abstracts may be reproduced as such, therefore onus of ensuring proper language, factual accuracy and responsibility of avoiding plagiarism lies with the authors
- Non-adherence to any guideline may result in an automatic rejection of the abstract
- For abstract submission: Please visit
- Please check the conference website from time to time for all updates
Abstract submission opens on
MARCH - 2023
15Abstract submission closes on
JUNE - 2023
30Download Model template for e poster
If you have any questions or need any further assistance, please feel contact:
Dr Abhay M Martin +91 98471 13713
Dr Nimitha +91 9446091520